
Giving Alms


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Smiling is like giving alms, this is the title of the song I have recently listened to. I don’t know any Turkish and I wish I would learn it one day. I found its translation on the internet.

I think It’s a good way to teach children the importance of a simple act like smiling in such a bright cheerful way! What is more important, is that I knew about on the first day of the school holidays; let’s be optimistic!

Herewith the translation and the song,

Happy holidays everyone!

Wishing you all the best,



Smiling is like giving alms

Look up at the sun, look up at the moon

Look at the sea, look at the rains

How beautiful is this life, Masha’Allah…

Look to your right, look to your left

Look happily at people

How beautiful is this life, Masha’Allah…

Why don’t you give it a try

Put your hand on your heart …

Smile whatever happens

Smiling is like giving alms

Come join us…

Put your hand on your heart…

Smiling is like giving alms

Smiling is like giving alms

Please, open up your heart to people

You will surely find happiness at the end.

Your smile suits you, Masha’Allah…

What will happen if you open your arms

The hands will be clasped and you will be like one person

in this beautiful world, Masha’Allah…

Why don’t you give it a try

Put your hand on your heart …

Smile whatever happens

Smiling is like giving alms

Come join us…

Put your hand on your heart…

Smiling is like giving alms

Smiling is like giving alms

Masha’Allah, wonderful!

Why don’t you be happy always

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:

Smiling is like giving alms.

This video doesn’t exist

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